If you have any comment to share about our park, please email: kraggakammagamepark@telkomsa.net
Margo Schuin - July 2015
Hi Diane,
Thank you Diane for our 2 complimentary tickets. They were really appreciated. Hennie and I took our two old friends for a special day and what a lovely day it turned out to be.
On behalf of the OCGG and myself, I would just like to say a really big thank you for the most wonderful
day we spent at your amazing reserve on Tuesday 7 July, the birthday of 87 year old Pat Vincent and her sister Vera Bell from Durban.
Pat isn’t mobile, so she was in the car all the time, but we saw so much and it was a totally awesome game viewing experience.
As we entered, we saw the Rhino and her baby as well as Springbok, Bontebok (with babies) Zebra and Waterbuck. We came upon the Giraffe herd in the road and how exciting to see these long necked amazing creatures so close feeding off the trees – one HUGE one walked across the road in front of the car.
At the little dam, the buffalo were lying resting with calves and the male was smelling the air – I assume he was
getting ready to make a few more little ones.
Just before the Cheetah enclosure there was a herd of Warthog and Ostriches, one very in season male with red legs and beak.
In the Cheetah enclosure, we met 2 on the road and 2 more relaxing – rolling over and just chilling, it was such a bonus.
When we got to the restaurant, Pat, obviously couldn’t get out of the car, but lo and behold, your two gorgeous precious cheetahs were lying where she could see them from the car and how wonderful it was for us to hear them purr. It is a sound that just makes you feel all fuzzy inside.
On our way out, we took the little loop just before the gate and can you believe there, enjoying the sunshine, were the other 3 Rhinos Wow, we were gobsmacked.
I wonder how many people in PE realise what a treasure they have just on their doorstep.
Thank you to all the Cantors for sharing your little piece of heaven with us. What a privilege.
Kind regards and thanks once again,
Beth Duncan - October 2014
We would recommend an overnight stay in Kragga Kamma to anyone. Our daughter calls it her Out of Africa experience. The game drive is brilliant, but it is the actual overnight experience that is so wonderful. Roaming Rhino and waking up to giraffe eating from the tree next to your chalet. My only regret is that we can't do it more often.
Anlene Pretorius - September 2014
Goeie dag
Baie dankie vir die geleentheid om julle park vandag te besoek. Dis wonderlik om te sien in watter mooi toestand die park is en die diere is ook in mooi en gesond.
Cora & Stan Terry, South Africa - September 2014
Good afternoon to all at Kragga Kamma Game Park
Firstly we would like to thank you all so much for making effort in making our stay so enjoyable. Especially the bed that was placed in the lounge so that my mother did not have to climb steps. We really always enjoy the week stay and Cheetah is the best lodge to be in to see the animals. We saw much more this time around than 3 years ago.
Hoping to visit Kragga Kamma again in the future.
Sarel Botha , South Africa - January 15, 2013
"Om ongeveer 06:00 op 24 Desember 2012 het ek ‘n SMS gestuur na die Kragga Kamma Wildpark met die versoek dat ek en my familie graag dieselfde dag nog ‘n “game drive” deur die park wil doen en dat ons ook graag daar ontbyt wou nuttig. Die persoon wat die SMS ontvang het, het baie gou gereageer en laat weet dat Terri aan diens sou wees teen 07:00 en dat sy my verder sou help.
Terri het my nog voor 07:00 geskakel en ons het reëlings getref vir die dag.
Sy het ons op ‘n baie interessante en insiggewende rit geneem en selfs toe dit gereën het, het sy spesiale reëlings getref sodat my mense nie te erg natreën nie.
Omdat dit die dag voor Kersfees was, kon ons maklik weggewys gewees het, maar Terri het dit tog moontlik gemaak om my familie ‘n genotvolle dag te gee en ook toe te sien dat ons maksimum waarde uit die rit kry.
As familie bedank ons haar graag vir die besonderse manier waarop sy dit behartig het en ook veral dat sy bereid was om op baie spesiale versoek ons kinders van jonger as 6 jaar ook op die rit te akkommodeer. Terri het te alle tye hulle veiligheid vooropgestel en seker gemaak dat hulle ook waarde uit die rit kry.
Baie dankie!
Ons waardeer dit geweldig."
Muriel Germishuys, South Africa - February 11, 2013
“Simply Fantastic!”
Jane Busby, South Africa - March 27, 2013
“Our lodge was spacious, with a choice of double bed downstairs or twin upstairs, the latter being a cooler option under the thatch with the balcony door slightly ajar on some evenings. As promised the rhinos were right outside our door most days and I enjoyed a staring competition with the 'baby' 3 year old less than 3m away, just the other side of the sturdy wooden barrier in front of our door (jealous looks from the game drive guests in a jeep some way away!!)Wart hogs, giraffe, ostrich and antelope of all shapes and sizes coming so close was a photographers dream. Late night access was easily arranged with the friendly night watch staff.”